Possible Futures

"Tracking Time: The Future of Women's Menstrual Cycles in the Workplace”—
An Exhibition

This hypothetical exhibition is dedicated to exploring the potential impact of tracking women's menstrual cycles in the workplace, and the ethical implications of such a practice.

Menstrual cycles are a natural and normal part of a woman's reproductive system, and affect their physical and emotional wellbeing. While the concept of tracking menstrual cycles is not new, the potential for technology to enable such tracking in the workplace is. The implications of this practice are far-reaching and complex, and it is important to consider the benefits and risks associated with it.

On one hand, tracking menstrual cycles could promote empathy and understanding among colleagues, particularly male colleagues who may have limited knowledge about menstrual cycles. It could also allow for better management of health and wellbeing in the workplace, and create a more inclusive environment for women.

However, there are also concerns that tracking menstrual cycles could be used to discriminate against women or disadvantage them in the workplace. It raises questions about privacy and consent, as well as the potential for gender-based stereotypes to be reinforced. Companies may use this information to schedule shifts, create workloads or assign roles and may promote prejudice against women.

Furthermore, there is a risk of over-monitoring and over-analyzing women's bodies, which can have negative implications for mental health and body autonomy. Women should have the right to choose how they manage their menstrual cycle, without feeling pressured or stigmatized.

We hope this exhibition will encourage visitors to reflect on these issues and consider the future implications of technology in the workplace. Our goal is to foster meaningful dialogue and promote informed decision-making, so that we can create a future that is both inclusive and ethical.

Thank you for joining us, and we hope you enjoy the exhibition.